Clemens Kuhn-Rahloff
PhD. phil. Cert. Engineer (HES) SIA
Room and Building Acoustics, Electroacoustics, Noise, Vibrations
DE / FR / EN
Site Zurich, Site Bern
Badenerstrasse 415, 8003 Zürich
Nordring 4A, Postfach, 3001 Bern
Nordring 4A, Postfach, 3001 Bern
Studied in Düsseldorf, Paris and Berlin. Acoustic engineer. Doctorate in acoustics at the Technical University of Berlin.
Contact for all acoustics issues (room acoustics, sound insulation, noise, vibrations, electroacoustics). With Gartenmann Engineering since 2011, partner since 2019. Lecturer in acoustics at the Zurich University of the Arts and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Loves classical music (flute, orchestral musician). Member of the Board of the Swiss Acoustical Society (SGA-SSA).
Sustainable pioneering work for hospital buildings
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