Peter Kümmin
Cert. UAS Eng. Wood Technology
Building Physics, Acoustics, Radon
DE / FR / EN
Site Bern
Nordring 4A, Postfach, 3001 Bern
Carpentry and cabinet making, construction experience in Switzerland and abroad.
Dipl. Ing. FH in wood technology at Bern University of Applied Sciences 2008, CAS Building Physics in Timber Construction 2012. After five years of experience in the area of windows, doors and facades at Bern University of Applied Sciences in Biel/Bienne, he specialised in building physics and acoustics, most recently with B+S Planer und Ingenieure as an expert in building physics and acoustics. In the same area of responsibility at Gartenmann Engineering in Bern since June 2021. Professional training as radon specialist 2021/22.